Lambeth FoE aims to be a cornerstone of environmental activism in Lambeth. Our main goals are to increase awareness and knowledge of environmental issues and help individuals, local businesses and other action groups to take action to reduce their impact.
Below are several of our current campaigns and goals.
We aim to ensure Lambeth reaches a net-zero carbon footprint by 2030 (Lambeth Council's climate aim) through enabling and supporting Lambeth community to take individual action, enabling and supporting the Lambeth council to ensure their climate plan is robust and ensuring a strong London-wide approach to the climate emergency. We are supporting the mayoral and London assembly elections in May 2021 by speaking to all London Assembly candidates and asking them to adopt central Friends of the Earth's climate pledge.
- Annie, Ben and Charlie, Climate Emergency campaign leaders -
Everyone will benefit from cleaner air. In order to have cleaner air in Lambeth in the future, we want to add to our borough the best air cleaners present on the market, which are good looking, colourful, vegan, biodegradable and run with solar energy (even in the UK): TREES! In 2021, our pledge is to contribute to the increase of tree coverage in Lambeth, organising a tree planting event in Autumn 2021. We also hope to have an open orchard up and running in Lambeth by the end of the year.
- Anja and Valentino, Trees and Nature campaign leaders -
We firmly believe that there can be no environmental justice without social and racial justice. We aim to ensure all our work is inclusive and intersectional, and therefore stronger. We work to ensure the conversation and work around climate in Lambeth encompasses everyone in the community and we are extremely lucky to work with a number of other groups within the area who are leaders in the social and racial justice and youth movements. We are also working with Stockwell Partnership and Lambeth Early Action Partnership to provide a series of sustainability workshops for families of young children.
- Emily, Community and inclusion campaign leader -
We want to raise awareness of environmental issues among businesses and support them in transforming to more environmentally-minded practices. While things are on hold at the moment due to the pandemic, we are planning on running two ‘High Street Sweeps’ later in the year, where we visit local businesses and talk to them about environmental concerns. We also want to celebrate local businesses acting sustainably, promoting their activity through our social media channels.
- Andrew, Business outreach campaign leader -
Our campaign raises awareness of the plastic pollution issue and runs initiatives to cut down our plastic footprint. We organise regular cleanups (restrictions permitting), promote and share sustainable plastic-free alternatives, champion supermarkets to decrease the sheer amount of plastic waste they generate and encourage governments to set targets for the reduction of plastic pollution.
- Adeline, Plastics campaign leader -